Reflections for Pastors Appreciation Month
Reflections excerpted from Dion Elmore, Vice President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Reflections excerpted from Dion Elmore, Vice President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
We have a new feature on the website: the Bible Study blog.
Free groceries today at 12pm @MPCC. The Feed My People ministry gives away free groceries at the church every 3rd Saturday. 1600 Taylor Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
Please note that the start date for Children's Sunday School on Saturdays has changed. Classes will resume Saturday, October 2nd at 10am - not this weekend. See below for all the latest dates and times in the church calendar.
Please join us on zoom tonight (Sept. 8) at 7pm as we resume our Wednesday nights Bible Study. Click here to request the zoom link. Also here is the most updated list of upcoming events and links - join us! Sundays, 8:30am — Adult Sunday School via Zoom Mondays, 8:30pm &mdash...
As our classes begin resuming in September, we want to be sure you have information on all of the regular and upcoming events.
Join us Sun. Sept 5 for worship under the tent @MPCC.