At Michigan Park Christian Church Your Tithes and Offering go to:

feeding the hungry; providing warm clothing for the naked; educating our youth; opening the door for worship; and helping to preach and teach the Word of God.  Your giving demonstrates your faith and commitment to God’s Kingdom.  Let our talents be to His glory as we serve quietly behind the scene.

Ways To Give To Michigan Park Christian Church:


Electronic giving is a fast, secure and convenient way of giving that keeps pace with your busy lifestyle.  Whether you’re at Sunday service or away for business, you can give at any time and from anywhere, with just a few simple clicks.

We would like to encourage you to consider electronic giving as a more convenient and organized way to give. Thank you for your contributions to our ministry and to the Kingdom!  


During every worship service, you will have an opportunity to give to Michigan Park in person. Simply follow the direction of the presider and our ushers.


Are you unable to get here in person, but prefer to write a check? Please send it to the below address.

Michigan Park Christian Church

P.O. Box 4471

Washington, D.C. 20017

ATTN: Finance


If you are writing a check, always complete an envelope with any donations made to the church in order for the donation to be included in your year-end contribution statement. All envelopes should have your first and last name and your current address. Make checks payable to MPCC or Michigan Park Christian Church.

Click Here To Give

"The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."
Proverbs 11:24, (MSG)


God has called us to serve generously. We do this when we respond to God by supporting the needs of the church, community and world—when we serve others and share our time, talents and finances. We do this when we pray for people, show love, and live each day with God's wisdom. We do this by celebrating what God is doing—in our church and in the lives of others.